Breakfast. Usual fruit and yoghurt. What to do with Miss Molly though? it is now a given for her to be present at my fruit bowl! She can be laid upside down on the sofa in the lounge and no matter how quietly I prepare the bowl of fruit, she is in like a shot!
Just before leaving I prepared a bowl of rice to take along, added, peas, sweetcorn, celery, mushrooms, red pepper, spring onions. I may do this again and put in a tupperware in the fridge. It just makes a mugful of rice go a long way.
Dinner. Colin's chilli which had baked beans and red kidney beans, my rice and salad. This was quite a small plate and I did go back for half as much again. the food layout was very impressive. If you are not on a healthy eating plan, it would be fantastic. I just did not look at it, but out of the corner of my eye I could see two lasagna's buried under a mountain of melted and browned cheese, and garlic bread. I did not touch any of it. I cannot believe I am saying this as it is just not me, pre SW I would have had the lot and gone back for more. I won't dwell on the desserts, but it is suffice to say not one was SW friendly. The homemade pavlova was friendly, with the fresh fruit, but the double cream made it not SW friendly. So I just had a can of Diet fizzy drink.
For Karen P, me with Eric last night. Aren't they characters. Lovely breed (he loves Molly and Paddy especially Paddy.
HexA = 250ml milk - (for my coffee)
HexB = Don't know what to do about this, as I seem do be missing them? any tips ladies? is it vital each day?
Not good this! i cannot recall any, none written in my book. I expected to use some at my brothers. There would probably be syns in the chilli and salad which had a oil and balsamic. Would hope I had no more than 10?...simply do not know.
Apologies for photos being all over the place, I am trying to make them smaller and making a proper hash of it. Hope everyone else had a Good Friday!
HexA = 250ml milk - (for my coffee)
HexB = Don't know what to do about this, as I seem do be missing them? any tips ladies? is it vital each day?
Not good this! i cannot recall any, none written in my book. I expected to use some at my brothers. There would probably be syns in the chilli and salad which had a oil and balsamic. Would hope I had no more than 10?...simply do not know.
Apologies for photos being all over the place, I am trying to make them smaller and making a proper hash of it. Hope everyone else had a Good Friday!
Love Carol xx
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