Saturday, 23 March 2013

Saturday - survived it !!


Could not believe the snow this morning and it was freezing cold.  Dreaded doing the Body Magic dog walk with Paddy and Molly.  But, as we know dogs are for life not just for when the weather is fine and dandy.  Due to the snow, our planned evening with my brother and family was postponed until next Friday, which kind of meant I would not have any foods that would tempt my new found resolve. 

Breakfast first, which was the normal fruit, but I did put some raspberries on top and tried a new flavour 0% yoghurt - blueberry.  Really nice, those yoghurts are so creamy.  I bought some Dorset muesli but each morning I think I should have it, but I know my HexB choice has gone if I do that, so I try to hold off.  As soon as we left the riverside I needed a trip to Lidl and Morrisons.  The fresh fruit that I have sitting in the fridge may only last a couple more days so extra melons and grapes were called for.  I really must try mango, but they look firm and I am not sure how long they would take to ripen. I also needed more Alpro Almond milk unsweetened as that is great for rice pudding. More of that later.

Lunch.  Needed a good filler as I was feeling quite hungry, my usual fry in frylight, but again I had the tomotoes, mushroom and spinach mix which is great for superfree foods.  I also had two wholemeal slice (400g loaf) for my HexB. 1 x Tbps tomato ketchup too.  My husband now has LM Red onion sausages too.  He actually likes them quite a lot.  He refuses the tomato concoction though, won't say what he says it look like. 
For Dinner, I had the remains of the casserole Sean cooked yesterday, with steamed broccoli, cauliflower and peas.  It was really filling, but I feel  I am really not enjoying eating much meat these days.  One day I will pluck up the courage and buy a Quorn Roast.  Cannot imagine what that tastes like.  Then again, I didnt realise that LM red onion and rosemary sausages could taste so good. My memories of Quorn sausages years ago, did not do it for me.  These taste almost like stuffing. 

Dessert.  My first attempt at rice pudding with Alpro Almond unsweetened milk left me feeling slightly disappointed.  I made that one in the oven. Then Karen M suggested I add vanilla extract. I also noted that some cook it on the top of the cooker and not in the oven.  So 94g of pudding rice, 1 ltr of Alpro, sprinkle of grated nutmeg, brought to the boil and simmered for about 20 minutes, I added 5-6 tbps sweetener,1 tsp vanilla extract. Et voila! Thats it..its simply fantastic.  That also made sure I had my HexA. 
During the afternoon as we sat watching Soccer Saturday, I munched on 4 mikados and had a options hot chocolate. 
All in all I am happy with how the day has gone.  Saturdays were usually take aways, steak and chips, always something I called special (which equals = calorie laden) plus a bottle or two of red!
This morning whilst I was in Lidl I bumped into my old SW consultant.  I almost felt guilty that I was doing quite nicely on the SW plan, solo.  I had to confess that I was doing it solo, because just after Xmas I was going to rejoin, for the umpteenth time!  She was really sweet and very encouraging.  There was that moment of dread when you glance into your trolley and hope there's nothing 'naughty' in it.  All I had was bottled water...Yay!!!! 
HexA = 500ml Alpro unsweetened Almond Milk
HexB = 2 slices wholemeal bread (400g loaf)

1 tbsp ketchup = 1
1 tsp mint sauce = 0.5
4 mikados = 2
Options = 2

total Syns = 5.5

Hope you had a nice Saturday.

Love Carol xx



  1. I have just found your blog and think it is brilliant. I needed some encouragement to continue with Slimming World, and I found it here!

  2. Ah Jayne thank you so much...I do a daily blog as it helps me so much. Good luck xx

  3. Love your dogs hunni xxx they are cuties!

    Quorn roast is something you will never regret trying I adore it...its so tasty

  4. Your buddy said the same thing (km) about Quorn Roast, so seeing how I use a lot of both your tips, recipes, I'll buy one next shop. WELL I love l`l Doug, how could you not, and Boo. Strange how we get know such detail by reading blog's x
